Reducing Anxiety: The Bright Thinking Programme
"The thinking styles of people exhibiting anxiety and depression resembles the pessimistic thinking style as highlighted by Seligman. He noted that pessimistic and optimistic thinking is learnt and therefore can be changed."
(Chaplin, Gillham and Seligman 2009)​
What is it?
Bright Thinking is a fun, engaging and practical programme for children whose anxiety fuels their negative thinking. Developed over 14 years ago at The Resilience Centre in Australia and delivered successfully across the world, the programme demonstrates a significant reduction in children’s anxiety and a dramatic increase in their social and personal competence. Bright Thinking is a strengths-based programme. Rather than a focus on the child’s anxiety or worry thoughts, it encourages a focus on what’s working! Throughout the programme, children recognise pessimistic and optimistic thinking, while giving them the solution focused skills to get from one type of thinking to another.
Who is it for?
Up to 8 children aged 8 to 13 years who are experiencing ongoing anxiety.
How is the course delivered?
This programme is delivered in-house (at your organisation or practice) as 6 weekly sessions of 1 hour each. Parents also participate during weeks 1 and 6.
What is included?
6 hours of programme delivery.
Flyers to promote the programme to parents.
Parent information sheets to send out each week.
Optional follow-up session (online or face-to-face) 6 weeks after the program is completed.
What does it cost?
£1050 for a group of up to 8 children.
Travel and accommodation costs apply.
Special Offer: £1650 for 2 programmes running at the same venue on the same day.